Ron Paul is asked what his opinion was on medical marijuana by Clayton Holton, a medical patient who asked Romney and Rudy the same question a few months ago. Rudy ignored him and Romney said he would arrest him for using medical marijuana
Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton trails five top Republican presidential contenders in general election match-ups, a drop in support from this summer. Clinton's top Democratic rivals, Barack Obama and John Edwards, still lead Republicans i
In his weekly 4-hour radio show, Jim Puplava interviews Ron Paul and urges all his listeners to vote for him. Another big-name, hard-money endorsement. Interview is the last 15 minutes of the 2nd hour.
The Securities and Exchange Commission has launched an investigation into InfoUSA, a Nebraska company that used corporate funds to fly Hillary Rodham Clinton around the country, and one of only two companies to put Bill Clinton on its payroll after h
Some supporters of Ron Paul’s presidential campaign may not know that congressman Paul was a champion of civil liberties even in the era before the U.S. government legalized torture. Paul won the Szasz Award for Outstanding Contributions to Civil Lib
Most of the time, Barack Obama seems like he’s boxing in the wrong weight class. But Monday in Fort Dodge, Iowa, he delivered an unscripted jab that was a beaut. The senator was asked about Hillary Clinton’s attack on his qualifications.
President Bush said Democrat Hillary Clinton has a better grasp of the "pressure'' of the presidency than any other 2008 White House candidate because of her experience as first lady. "There is no question that Senator Clinton
Dr. Ron Paul wins 33% of the vote, nationwide, when voters are given 4 different biographies/campaign planks (sans candidate’s name) to vote for, including Paul’s. The other bios were Giuliani (19%), Romney (15%), and Thompson (13%).
Sometimes it's hard to feel grateful these days. We live in a society that is growing darker, where liberty shines through less and less often. Liberty is under attack at every turn. Inflation is rampant, but the government pretends it hardly eve
"Mind our own business and get out of all those places." Paul said doing that would save hundreds of millions of American dollars and help the nation get back on its economic feet. The problem is "powerful special interests interested
BRISTOL, N.H. — Fred Thompson said Friday while visiting a New Hampshire gun store that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani should stop bringing up the Big Apple on the campaign trail
• Washington Post - By Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch
1. a person who believes in the doctrine of the freedom of the will
2. a person who believes in full individual freedom of thought, expression and action
3. a freewheeling rebel who hates wiretaps, loves Ron Paul and is redirecting politics
[Sign of things to come.] Kevin Rudd's Labor Party won Australia's election, ending John Howard's 11-year rule after promising to tackle climate change, restore workers' bargaining power and withdraw Australian troops from Iraq.
Presidential candidate Ron Paul said he has raised more than $9 million in the past two months and he predicted his campaign will exceed its $12 million fourth-quarter goal.
I’ve often suggested that Ron Paul’s biggest asset and his biggest detriment is his supporters. Well, I was right about assets, but as for his detriment, it may be his campaign staff. Paul Mulshine got grief from Paul Supporters for the lack of Paul
"There's something weird going on," Jonah Goldberg writes, "when [Ron] Paul, the small-government constitutionalist, is considered the extremist in the Republican Party while [Mike] Huckabee, the statist, is the lovable underdog. I
News of a federal raid last week on a "sound money" outfit that is selling "Ron Paul Dollars," is generating no end of quips in the blogosphere about what this development says about the Paul campaign's eye-popping recent fund
USA Today for Wednesday Nov 21st. The full page ad for Ron Paul is on Page 17A. A great job and service was done by the individual who had the ad put in.
McCain may have later regretted his next choice, which was to direct a question at Jardis, giving him another chance to speak. This is where the drama really gets good:
"For starts, is it true you have Ron Paul on this currency," one commentator asked.
"Absolutely," NotHaus said, but was unable to explain himself. "Right away, I'm glad they raided you," the commentator said.
New Hampshire Sec. of State Bill Gardner today announced that the Granite State's first-in-the-nation primary will be Jan. 8, the earliest date ever for a primary ballot in a presidential election year. (Bet a state moves theirs to earlier)
"I've served here in my state as a law enforcement officer for going on 9 years now, and after nine years working the street, I've come to the conclusion that the War on Drugs is a terrible failure..." (Bradley Jardis told me he wil
This site is a very effective tool and resource for making the case that Ron Paul is not only in the 'Top Tier' but kicking butt. I encourage you to take a look at this simple and effective accumulation data for your use.