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Those who dismissed Rep. Ron Paul as a joke in the Republican presidential primary campaign aren't laughing so hard these days. The Texas libertarian's rise in the polls and in fundraising proves that a small but passionate number of American

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$100 million lawsuit accuses several defendants, including Murdoch's News Corporation and HarperCollins Publishers, of a smear campaign that was intended to advance the Murdoch political agenda and protect "Rudy Giuliani's presidential a

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Chicago Tribune

They call him Dr. No -- no big government, no big spending, no flouting the Constitution. And no interest in slick political image. U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) sticks to serious principles and says what he thinks. Someone is listening— he raised mil

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It does seem that Huckabee has already had a Mondale "I'm gonna raise your taxes" moment. Though it happened while he was governor of Arkansas it gives a view to where his head is at on these things. While I appreciate that he supports

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LewRockwell (video)

A video to warm the heart and bring tears to your eyes. First it was celebrating blowing up the leaders of a nation, now its celebrating the start of the revolution . . . or is that r3VOLution. [gotta love the closing logo]

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Kathryn Jean Lopez: Why Fred? / Darla St. Martin: National Right to Life endorsed Fred Thompson based on three factors: his commitments on life issues, his record on life issues and his ability to win.

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CBS News

John McCain, climbing in polls but lagging in money, is negotiating a $3 million loan while some of his backers launch an independent advertising effort seemingly at odds with his years of fighting outside influence in campaigns.

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Fred Thompson will pick up the support of the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) tomorrow, according to two Republicans familiar with the decision. While his voting record is pure, Thompson indicated he supported abortion rights when he ran for

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by Glenn Greenwald

I'm not trying to be Ron Paul's advocate but, still, outright distortions and smears are distortions and smears. In an otherwise informative and legitimate (and widely-cited) post today about Paul's record in Congress, Dave Neiwert claims

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Scarlett & Black

While no campaigns admit to this practice, at a recent Hillary Clinton campaign event in Newton, Iowa, some of the questions posed to the New York Senator were planned in advance, planting some audience members in the crowd. [FEMA II?]

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Roberta McCain, the mother of Sen. McCain, blames the scandals of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics on Mormons during an interview on "Hardball." Mormons were to blame for the scandal that rocked the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics. [Johnny?]

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