Nobody wants skin cancer. Nobody wants cancer — period. But you can't beat cancer if you don't know if you have it or not. Fortunately, there's an app that can detect if you have skin cancer or not.
Looking at a smooth sheet of plastic in one University of Illinois laboratory, no one would guess that an impact had recently blasted a hole through it. Illinois researchers have developed materials that not only heal, but regenerate.
Watson, IBM's supercomputer made famous three years ago for beating the very best human opponents at a game of Jeopardy, now comes with an impressive new feature.
Candle wax has approximately the same energy density as gasoline. So why aren't we fueling our cars with tubes of solid candle wax? The advantages of liquid nuclear fuel over solid nuclear fuel are discussed.
The deadline to develop a new design of nuclear power plant has been brought forward by 15 years as the central government tries to reduce the nation's reliance on smog-producing coal-fired power stations.
Web cartoonist Randall Munroe answers simple what-if questions ("what if you hit a baseball moving at the speed of light?") using math, physics, logic and deadpan humor. In this charming talk, a reader’s question about Google's data warehouse leads M
Powell Gammill (Senior Editor of Freedom's Phoenix) comes in studio for three hours to discuss a variety of issues, including gardening, space travel/exploration - Michael Belfiore (Author, Journalist, Speaker) summarizes the Falcon 9 Launch and the
Until the past few decades, neuroscientists had one way to plumb the human brain: wait for disaster to strike people and, if the victims pulled through, see how their minds worked differently afterward.
The microscopic structure of high-temperature superconductors has long puzzled scientists seeking to harness their virtually limitless technological potential.
Intel has announced the winner in the second round of the of its Make It Wearable contest, Visionary Track. Student, maker and DIY enthusiast Mael Flament proposed an invisible tattoo that contains our health information. Med. History 2.0 would be ea
The first living organism to carry and pass down to future generations an expanded genetic code has been created by American scientists, paving the way for a host of new life forms whose cells carry synthetic DNA that looks nothing like the normal ge
Researchers from the Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) have shown that injections of a protein dubbed GDF11, when administered to older mice, appear to cause a reversal of many signs of aging.
In Egypt's tomb of Djehutihotep, a wall painting depicts someone pouring water into the sand in front of one of the sledges that hauled the blocks used in the construction of the pyramids.
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