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[Can mandate be far behind?] It would seem natural to offer motorists friendly, yet stern warnings about a bad habit: holding a cell phone while driving, whether for texting or talking. Several software and gadget companies have sprung up to address

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Huffington Post >> AP

Law enforcement agents are following the rest of the Internet world into popular social-networking services, even going undercover with false online profiles to communicate with suspects and gather private information, according to an internal Justic

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Nick Barnett

No, you don't need an iPhone, Blackberry or Android phone to use Qik and stream from your phone to the internet, a Windows Mobile phone will do just fine... and best of all its FREE You can also use Kinoma Freeplay to stream talk radio shows so y

News Link • Global Reported By Nick Barnett
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Equipment that jams cell phones will get its first federally sanctioned test inside a prison in Maryland this week, as state officials try to show Congress how the technology can prevent inmates from using the contraband devices to commit crimes, a g

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Live Science

There are several advantages of an unlocked plan over the traditional two-year plan. First, monthly plans cost less. You can also buy a new phone with the features you want at any time and simply transfer the SIM card to the new phone, and perhaps gi

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Lakshmi Pratury remembers the lost art of letter-writing and shares a series of notes her father wrote to her before he died. Her short but heartfelt talk may inspire you to set pen to paper, too.

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David Forty

I wanted to make all Road Runner users aware of something. I spent the last three and a half days without outgoing email service because of a change RR has made to their outgoing email policy.

News Link • Global Reported By David Forty
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Wendy McElroy

Mail 'inspections' caused prominent men, like George Washington, to complain of mail tampering. According to various historians, it led James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe to write to each other in code - that is, they encrypted their letters – in order to preserve the privacy of their political discussion.

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 TiVo, the creator of the digital video recorder that panicked the TV business by making it simple to skip ads, now flashes banners on TV screens when users pause, fast-forward or delete shows.

Viewers who paused "The Biggest Loser" TV show saw an ad saying "Jenny Craig says you've got more to lose!" If you used TiVo to pause "Iron Chef America" on the Food Network, this popped up: "Sub-Zero: Every cook deserves the best!"

"We were once a foe of the networks, now we've become a friend," said Tara Maitra, TiVo's general manager of content services and ad sales. "We're working with the industry ... to get users to engage in a world increasingly equipped to fast-forward through commercials."   Dave Zatz, a 37-year-old network engineer in Herndon, Va., isn't happy about it because he bought a TiVo digital video recorder and pays a subscription to skip ads.

"It's obnoxious,&qu

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Boing Boing

Tonight, Aug 3 - 7-9pm PDT. Iranians protesting the results of the recent election found an outlet and a means of organizing with the Internet, and showed that new digital media can help free speech and fight repression globally. But what happens now the headlines and the Twitter trends have died down?

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Right about now, Apple probably wishes it had never rejected Google Voice and related apps from the iPhone. Or maybe it was AT&T who rejected the apps. Nobody really knows. But the FCC launched an investigation last night to find out, sending letters to all three companies (Apple, AT&T, and Google) asking them to explain exactly what happened.

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Christian Science Monitor

For Skype, the line could be going dead.

At issue is a key piece of software code licensed to Skype by a company called Joltid. For months, Joltid and Skype have been scrapping over the legal rights to the code – and now, the battle has gotten serious enough that eBay, which owns Skype, is getting worried. If Skype loses the right to the software code, “Skype’s business as currently conducted would likely not be possible,” eBay said in a quarterly filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

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On this Communist-run island, the black market is a vast, irrepressible force, an underground river of unlicensed services, goods pilfered from government stores and coveted items carried in from abroad. Cuban authorities go to great lengths to curtail it; they cannot.

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Ace Evader

Email and searchable data is practically unprotected from anyone who might ask to have it. All electronic communications are tapped. Massive governmental data mining schemes are being built to record everything we publish on the web.