Facebook Buys Lightbox Android Photo App
• http://www.pcmag.com, By Mark HachmanFacebook moved quickly - again - to address concerns that it wasn't doing enough to satisfy mobile users, buying the developers of the Lightbox Android photo app.
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Facebook moved quickly - again - to address concerns that it wasn't doing enough to satisfy mobile users, buying the developers of the Lightbox Android photo app.
He’s not a household name like Gates, Jobs, or Zuckerberg. His face isn’t known to millions.
Scientists at EPFL have developed a single antenna that is capable of transmitting the same data as a two-antenna system. This achievement will be more than useful for future communication systems.
Mobile computers are on track to saturate markets in the U.S. and the developing world in record time.
Imagine walking up to a tall, cylindrical pod, and talking to a life-size, 3-D projection of a faraway friend, family member, or colleague.
Low-tech phone technology allows images to be sent as bitmaps in text messages, opening up applications for the world's poorest.
Communication. When it comes to humans we have an almost innate ability to read facial expressions, and almost intuitive ability to understand gestures from an early age and from a distance.
Imagine if you could turn your iPhone into an advanced night vision recording device, tuned to your every espionage whim. No, there's not an app for that ... but there is the USNV Night Vision iPhone Adapter.
U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood called on Thursday for a federal law to ban talking on a cell phone or texting while driving any type of vehicle on any road in the country. Tough federal legislation is the only way to deal with what he ca
Effective communication is an important skill for all humans, and should not be undervalued. Ones ability to communicate well can positively impact and change the trajectory of many a conflict or social dilemma. Its development is useful in all types
Step aside, AT&T and Verizon. A new privacy-protecting Internet service and telephone provider still in the planning stages could become the ACLU's dream and the FBI's worst nightmare.
When the popular television series "Star Trek" debuted in the Fall of 1966, one of the many futuristic gadgets the crew of the Starship Enterprise had at its disposal was a fascinating little gizmo called a "universal translator." The device help
After four years of incredulity and not-so-gentle mocking, Bo Thide of the Swedish Institute of Space Physics and a team in Italy have finally proven that it’s possible to simultaneously transmit multiple radio channels over exactly the same wireless
Under a new policy, AT&T has started cutting their data speeds as part of an attempt to manage data usage on its network.
Homeland Security is monitoring the web for anti-government sentiment and signs of social unrest
Police chiefs everywhere say that smartphone robberies are rocketing. They’ve offered cash rewards, set up decoy crews in subway stations and urged iPhone owners to be wary. But the robberies keep coming. Now, police are expressing their frustration
A request for an injunction to stop Twitter users from alerting drivers to police roadblocks, radar traps and drunk-driving checkpoints could make Brazil the first country to take Twitter up on its plan to censor content at governments' requests.
In reference to the recent change in Internet Protocol (IP) address for SurvivalBlog, I thought I'd describe a method to help people set up their computers to use it without DNS names.
For people who still don't recognize that there's a generational shift going on when it comes to how people view attempts to regulate the internet, communications and copyright law, they might want to start paying attention.
On Sunday, a massive explosion on the sun known as a solar flare sent an ejection of some of the sun's plasma hurtling toward earth at the ungodly speed of 1,000 kilometers...per second!
Sandy's notion—and the same idea occurred simultaneously to our good friend Claire Wolfe, Queen of the Hooligan Libertarians—is to broaden the concept into software that warns you if you're about to do business with corporations that don't want you t
With SOPA and internet controls possibly on the near horizon, having the ability to both listen and communicate freely may become the exclusive domain of private radio operators.
Often times the two of us simply hang out during our weekly Skype conference call and simply chat about whatever strikes our current curiosity bone.
Prime Time Shortwave is a listing of English shortwave broadcast.
Deals on CB radios and kits
Last week, in calling for a ban on even handsfree cellphone use behind the wheel, National Transportation Safety Board chief Deborah A.P. Hersman denounced “talking, texting and driving” and said:
Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, autocratic ruler of the post-Soviet country for 20 years, has reportedly shut down large portions of his country’s mobile and internet networks in a bid to quell recent rioting, TechEye reports.
It has recommended such bans for novice drivers, school bus drivers and commercial truckers.
States should ban ALL driver use of cell phones and other portable electronic devices, except in emergencies, the National Transportation Board said. The recommendation, unanimously agreed to by the board, applies to both hands-free and hand-held pho
Everyone fears Uncle Sam's big ears listening everywhere. Let's turn the dynamic against Big Brother and overload Uncle Sam's hearing aids! Let's make this plan go viral!