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General Opinion

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Christine Smith's YouTube channel

“Peace” is a word often heard, especially during the Christmas season. It is said, written, sung, and prayed – but is it lived? Are you living in freedom relating to others or by obligation?

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Christine Smith's YouTube Channel

Between men and females, parents and children, friends, and in the world of sharing ideas -when we care, we often find ourselves frustrated and saddened by the behavior of others.But there is a way to respect their freedom and cease being upset.

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A bedrock principle of Natural Law (the Law upon which Western Civilization rests) is the primacy of truth. Without a desire for, and appreciation of, truth, society cannot sustain itself. Lies, deceit, duplicity, etc., are more than moral evils; the

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The Political Commentator

The Eurozone debt crisis takes a turn into dangerous territory while the "Arab Spring" in Tunisia heads in the direction thinking people knew that it would! Italy bond yields rise despite a new government and ECB buying! Italy has a new gover

News Link • Global Reported By Michael Haltman
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Christine Smith's Blog &YouTube channel

Use it or lose it! Your physical, sexual, emotional, mental and spiritual happiness and healthiness depends on it. Neglect any part of your being, and your entire life suffers.

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Free Patriot Press

Memorial Day has become the unofficial start of Summer, a time for businesses to hold sales and a time for family barbecue's. It has also lost a lot of meaning in recent years, as people say “Memorial Day is a time to remember our men & women in uni

News Link • Global Reported By Darryl W. Perry
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Without research, can you guess who wrote these words? Could be just about anybody these days...