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Lew Rockwell

[read the gov't. approved homemade label---a hoot] This is the Amish raw butter I bought from Detroit Eastern Market. Note the marvelous hand labeling. It does not say "raw" but little birdies tell me it's raw, and the taste and color confirm that it

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With our attention on inflation, the economic collapse and the rising costs of the dinner table, along with our daily listening to Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock that motivated us to join the Agriculture Club at our home in Sun City We

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Most of us, if we are lucky, have had some REAL fruits and vegetables in our lifetime. Not the stuff that sits on the grocery store shelves for days or weeks that has not ripened, or has been genetically altered in some way and tastes like cardboard.

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Growing and ready to harvest this June and July in the vegetable garden were tomatoes, tomatillos, peppers, onions, garlic, and cucumbers. These all make a great gazpacho!

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There has been a lot of information circulating in books and on the internet lately that many of our diseases (especially in the United States) are caused by our nutrient deprived diet.

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For those who enjoy the luxury of choice, help has come in the form of what may be the most wide-ranging overview so far on how different foodstuffs -- from lentils to lamb chops -- impact the environment, the fight against global warming, and the hu

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Lew Rockwell

Steroid-feeding industrial Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations violate all standards of care and welfare for animals are heartily endorsed by the governments that helped to create them. But let a small farmer family feed their animals organic vege