Supreme Court Rules Death Penalty Is 'Totally Badass'
• Onion News Network videoOfficially approved news to a slavish people.
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Officially approved news to a slavish people.
If this film footage had been widely broadcast in the 1930s, WWII wouldn't have happened and Hitler might have ended up a sitcom actor.
It is difficult to find words that convey the sadness I felt upon being awakened, this morning, to the news that George Carlin had died the night before. He was the successor to the man I continue to regard as the most significant dismantler of autho
[.wmv video]
George Carlin will be awarded the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor. Carlin, 71, will be the 11th recipient of the award. Carlin makes people laugh and makes them think. Past recipients include Billy Crystal, Whoopi Goldberg, Steve Martin and Neil
'Cause you need a break :)
He called his wife a what?!!!!
A commercial for an Australian company demonstrates how to get rid of one-night stands. RAPH issues a "Coffee Spew Alert".
Puts Chances of Reading Book at Zero
With the decision just around the corner, there has been much speculation as to who John McCain will pick for a running mate. Here's his own personal list recently leaked to the press. [handwritten note]
Guy gives cop a speech, then gets a speech of his own
In the Know discusses the terrible disappointment lobbyists feel when their politicians fail to deliver.
Legendary rock band KISS rockin out an incredible cover a 1980's classic!!! Not to be missed. A once in a lifetime performance.
In the great style of Ron Burgundy, Charles falls prey to a classic telepromter practical joke and calls himself a Dumbass. Hysterical.
If AT&T were honest with their commercials.
It all started when I would draw glasses or beards on money with the counterfeit pen on the registers at work and just grew in to a hobby.
Take a short break from the very serious business of Global Warming, skyrocketing fuel prices, food price hikes, politicians and elections for some photos of puppies and kittens doing what comes naturally: being incredibly cute.
Forensic web imaging is allowing "we the people" to see behind the scenes. Here is an example using the mysterious naked woman reflection in Dick Cheney's sunglasses.
Explore pertinent facts of Tibet before the Chinese hack the site down using this amazing interactive map.
# Pennsylvania has 188 Democratic delegates up for grabs, down from 211 following a tragic mine collapse in 2005. # Philadelphia, the state's largest city, is famous for its delicious, disgusting, delicious food.
SNL offers their take on this week’s Senate hearings with Gen. Petraeus, skewering everything and anything, from Petraeus’s obsequiousness, to John McCain’s lack of knowledge on Iraq, to Hillary Clinton’s attempts to spin her AUMF vote, to Code Pink
Well they really went to the wayback machine to dig up this attack ad.
A Scottsdale radio station's April Fool's prank generated hundreds of angry calls to Arizona lawmakers last week. Continuing a tradition of April 1 pranks, KTAR radio announced that the state would immediately begin collecting tolls...
This is how to impress new clients and old clients alike, by having a professional-sounding receptionist record a detailed, informative greeting message.
As long as there have been offices, there have been office pranks. There is just something about spending 8 hours behind a desk or inside a cubicle that awakens the prankster inside us all.
Author of 9/11 book claims the federal government was behind the 9/11 attacks. al-Qaeda denounces book and presents documentation they were behind the attack.
Approved for both dogs and humans!!
Our man Rod got some pix last week of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Caption this HRC photo. If your's is the best, we'll watermark your name and caption on our pic. — Politicians, clip out comic, keep in pocket, refer to often.