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Arizona's Top News

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While the battle against photo enforcement is going well, we cannot stop even for a moment. The enemy is busy planning new PR campaigns and gearing up for a massive media war for when the ballot initiative signatures are turned in. They are well-funded, while our effort relies on the time, money, and effort of the volunteers for our grass roots organization. CameraFRAUD’s sister site,, needs help researching and gathering data and news for articles to show the deadly truth behind the scameras. If you have a few hours throughout the week and are good with following up and being persistent, email Ryan at He needs help from people who are willing to send inquiries to local police departments, DPS, ADOT, or other agencies including submitting Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to obtain the data we need.

News Link • Global Reported By Camera FRAUD
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East Valley Tribune

More than 70 people participated in a “love rally” to counter a church they say preaches hate Sunday morning.

Protestors flashed peace signs as they held signs with slogans like like “Love thy neighbor” and “Who would Jesus hate?” as they stood outside the Tempe shopping center that houses the Faithful Word Baptist Church Sunday morning. Passing motorists regularly waved and honked car horns.


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In summary, the GAO presentation was misleading from the beginning. It ignored fundamental facts regarding alien interdiction rates inside the country vs the actual border. It misrepresented Border Patrol legal authority at interior checkpoints in comparison to the actual border. And it brazenly claimed interior checkpoints are needed because ports of entry are designed to be purposefully ineffective so as to not overly burden border traffic and commerce.

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GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK, Ariz. -- Rangers in Grand Canyon National Park are searching the Grandview-Hance area for a North Carolina man missing for at least two days. The National Park Service said it received word Saturday that a man reported missing to the Coconino County Sheriff's Office might be in the national park. Sheriff's officials received the initial report Friday evening and determined Andrew Brunelli, 43, might be hiking in the Grand Canyon. More

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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DPS appears to have all but pulled the plug on its usage of Redflex mobile photo radar units on state highways, CameraFRAUD has learned. Deployment of the mobile photo radar vans was already on a noticeably gradual decline over the past few months, when the “talivans” seemingly disappeared altogether from roadways around the beginning of September.

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In response to the GAO report, Congresswoman Giffords, featured above with local Border Patrol Union Boss Edward Tuffly (on right), has organized a community meeting tomorrow morning with Tucson Sector Border Patrol Chief Robert Gilbert in Green Valley to discuss the implications of the report and its possible effect on plans for the I-19 checkpoint the Border Patrol has been trying to push down the throats of Southern Arizona communities for several years now.

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Congresswoman Giffords

On Wednesday September 2nd between 9:30 and 11:30 am at the West Social Center at 1111 Via Arcoiris, Green Valley, U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords on Wednesday will host a community meeting to discuss a recent GAO report on internal suspicionless Border Patrol checkpoints in Arizona. The meeting will include a presentation from the report’s authors at the U.S. Government Accountability Office and Chief Robert Gilbert, the head of the U.S. Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector.

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Photography Is Not A Crime

Nappi says he was Tased because he refused to stop filming. The officer says he was Tased because Nappi swung at him, hitting him in the chest with a closed fist (but also holding a bottle of water) that left the officer “momentarily disoriented.”

But the officer also acknowledges that the reason he approached Nappi in the first place was because he refused to hand over his camera.


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Phoenix New Times

The adult business isn't what it used to be, especially in the San Fernando Valley outside Los Angeles, the long-reigning capital of porn in America. But luckily for Thomas, her new company's based in a place considered the next big hotspot for pornography: metropolitan Phoenix.

 Thomas says her company pays more than many companies in the San Fernando Valley — about $2,000 for a boy-girl scene, whereas talent in L.A. might get half that in the current economy.

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Arizona Republic

Five members of a relatively new Arizona Department of Public Safety unit are responsible for confiscating nearly 15,000 pounds of pot, more than 300 pounds of cocaine and about 20 pounds of heroin in the past 18 months.

The officers are part of a DPS unit - the only one of its kind in the country - that combines the talents of some of the agency's more successful drug-interdiction officers with the technical skills of those who understand the smallest of details involved in commercial vehicle enforcement, said department director Roger Vanderpool.


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Arizona Illustrated

U.S. Border Patrol Tucson Sector Division Chief John Fitzpatrick is this week's Roundtable guest.

Fitzpatrick talks about Mexico’s decriminalization of small amounts of drugs, stimulus money for the Nogales port of entry, the decline in illegal entrants this year, border violence and more.

This week's panel of reporters consists of guest host Tony Paniagua, Ann Brown of the Arizona Daily Star, Linda Valdez of the Arizona Republic and Dan Shearer of the Green Valley News & Sun.


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The Arizona Department of Public Safety, the principal co-operator of the statewide Redflex automated ticketing scheme, may be facing over $10 million in budget cuts according to KPHO. While the agency is facing a situation where 97 sworn officer positions remain unfilled and possible elimination of 15 civilian jobs, absolutely no mention is made of cuts regarding the disastrous and unpopular photo radar surveillance program.

News Link • Global Reported By Camera FRAUD
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Putting to rest the lie that internal Border Patrol checkpoints are primarily about stemming the flow of illegal border crossers (as if you could stop illegal border crossers 40 miles North of the border to begin with), the video below clearly shows that the Department of Homeland Security use so-called immigration checkpoints as a pretext to search for contraband.

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Arizona Republic

A past agreement with the attorney general resulted in new rules the city must follow: providing the new stipulations in writing to all meeting participants, placing a statement on the agenda that all stipulations are subject to change and reading all the stipulations into the record.

Phoenix failed on the third matter, he said.

He said the city agreed to do better next time.

"At this juncture, we are going to consider this matter closed," Assistant Attorney General Aschenbach wrote.


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East Valley Tribune

[sweet!] One counterprotester, the only one within shouting distance, would only give his first name as he stood alone, wearing a Yankee baseball team shirt, a handgun on his hip, holding a contrary sign.  

TEA Party members railed against proposed health care reforms Saturday at a busy intersection in Scottsdale.

They came from all over that morning, thinly crowded on the four corners of Scottsdale and Camelback roads.


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Arizona Republic

Smith and City Manager Chris Brady dismissed the argument that the illegitimate parlors are "victimless" operations.

Regardless of the morality of what goes on in their back rooms, Smith said, "The way they are operating destroys other people's businesses. That has nothing to do with the morality in play. As a city we have the responsibility to protect people's rights, and when businesses are being destroyed by the way someone else operates, we have a real problem."


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Gabbby Giffords gave an interview to the Arizona Star. In the transcript you will find this quote GIFFORDS: But you know, it’s just a critical time right now. We’ll get through this. Honestly with all of you, if we’re able to pass healthcare reform where Americans are able to give affordable health insurance and people are not denied because of their pre-existing conditions, we are able to drive costs down so we actually can continue afford to have Medicare and Social Security and those federal programs. If I don’t come back in two years, I’ve done my job. For me, to actually be able to accomplish that I think would be tremendous.

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Daniel Heller

Today the editors of our local paper, the ever-dwindling, kind-of-cute Arizona Republic, wrote a scathing opinion article denouncing and patronizing the brave libertarian Arizonans who demonstrated that one of the best ways to exercise your First Amendment right to free speech is by exercising your Second Amendment right to bear arms.

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East Valley Tribune

Standard and Poor's Rating Service revised its outlook of the state's credit from stable to negative. Company analysts said that was based on a variety of factors, ranging from lower than anticipated tax collections to the failure of the Legislature and Gov. Jan Brewer to enact a budget for the fiscal year that began July 1.

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AZ Central

Recession-wracked Valley cities - and the state itself - are getting another dose of bad economic news with sales-tax reports that suggest shoppers have all but padlocked their wallets.

The latest sales-tax reports showed June collections down anywhere from 9 percent to 22 percent from a year earlier. The same thing happened to the state. Its disastrous budget gap worsened in June thanks to sales-tax collections that fell $58 million short of the forecast.


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Put this event on your calendar. August 20th 2009, The Fourth Avenue Underpass is finally open. Yipee. The new Fourth Avenue Underpass connecting downtown to Fourth Avenue will open in two weeks to some sticker shock: a previously undisclosed cost of $46 million. City estimates throughout the past six years have never put the cost higher than $31 million — although the city now acknowledges its wasn’t revealing the entire costs for the past six years.

News Link • Global Reported By Todd Detry
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How the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office spends money meant for jail improvements could become a matter for state auditors. The sheriff's office spent hundreds of thousands of those dollars on parties and fine hotel accommodations during out-of-state travel, according to a newspaper investigation. The state collects and distributes millions of dollars every year from court fees so the 15 county sheriffs can improve their jails.County Manager David Smith said officials are concerned that sheriff's officials are not following proper procurement rules and other business practices.

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Lew Rockwell

Those who are getting their diapers in a knot over the appearance of a man with an assault rifle at an Obama event need a little perspective. They might recall when a contingent of Black Panthers walked into the California State Legislative chambers with rifles and shotguns – while the legislature was in session – to make a political statement. No shots were fired; no one was injured; but the incident was intended to remind government officials of the purpose of the Second Amendment. Ordinary people – not the state’s police and military – are to have the ultimate power in a free society.

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Armed protesters asserting their right to bear arms, including a man with a rifle slung over his shoulder, gathered yesterday near a Phoenix convention hall where President Barack Obama spoke, a police spokesman said.

The protesters were taking advantage of an Arizona law that allows people to carry unconcealed guns, Phoenix Police Department spokesman Andy Hill said. Police made no arrests.