State lawmakers directed the Department of Public Safety to set up seismic sensors to spot drug runners and others in southern Arizona – but only if the agency can find the cash elsewhere.
The vote by the Senate Committee on Public Safety and Huma
The Phoenix Crew: 4409, Tesla, and Morpheus head up to Cottonwood, Arizona and put up a 28 x 8 foot Ron Paul President 2012. You can see how they did it in the video and pictures... Enjoy!
PHOENIX -- A suburban Phoenix concert promoter has been accused of running a Ponzi scheme that bilked approximately 140 investors out of $25 million, federal authorities said Thursday.
If Barack Obama wants to run for re-election he would need to produce proof of both his U.S. birth and citizenship to get on the ballot in Arizona, at least under a measure being pushed by a state legislator.
Rep. Judy Burges, R-Skull Valley, is c
Gov. Jan Brewer on Monday urged Arizona legislators to show courage in tackling the state's budget crisis by taking steps that include shrinking public services and raising revenue.
Rudy Giuliani, Laura Bush, Colin Powell are coming to town to do a motivational meeting along with Zig Ziglar. I have seen Zig myself personally and he really kicks ass [Ed] The pictures I uploaded are worth the read!
A 25-year-old Chandler man was arrested 2 months after being caught by speed photo enforcement cameras standing through the sunroof of his car while speeding along the Santan Freeway stretch of Loop 202 and the westbound U.S. 60 in Mesa.
Federal agents: Cindy McCain’s full tax returns will show war profits, pre-9/11 insider trading, secret off-shore accounts l
Having trouble putting food on the table? Phoenix leaders appear to be coalescing behind a food tax to help fill the city's budget gap, which they learned this week had mushroomed to $245 million.
Attorney Dennis Wilenchik was at the center of several political firestorms in 2007, all of them tied to Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas.
Consequently, he was the subject of four complaints made to the State Bar of Arizona, the quasi-govern
US Attorney Did Tempe Arizona Court Secede From Union?
Re: Tempe Woman files RICO Suit against Courts
Official Notice: 18 U. S. C. 4 Federal Reporting Crime Act-Stew Webb Federal Whistleblower
U.S. Attorney
Throughout the year, the Clerk of Court’s office reported long lines of people and attorneys trying to file bankruptcy cases. "The filings continued to climb, unfortunately as a reflection of our economy," said the court's chief deputy clerk.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has not read the book he co-authored in 2008, which includes information on Arpaio's philosophy on America's immigration problem and how to cope with the nation's porous borders.
Arpaio's lack of familiarity with
A bid by state legislators to retroactively change self-defense laws is unconstitutional, the Arizona Court of Appeals ruled. Judges said Cesar Montes, convicted of a 2005 shooting death is not entitled to take advantage of changes in self-defense la
I was wondering if you or any of the readers that go to this site knows what the latest is from the pastor Anderson court case.The last thing I read was that there was going to be a 2 day this past Dec 17-18th I have not heard or read any more
Maricopa Co. Board of Supervisors resolved to establish financial disclosure rules for county officials, partly to comply with a judge's order. In fact, the Board has voted to do so already - in 1974, 1984 and 1994 - but never did so in a manner that
Hendershott's response was exactly the note one would expect from Arpaio. Naturally, he maligns Polk as having tried to "tank the case" she was working on because she's part of the conspiracy against Arpaio. And so, Yavapai County Attorney Polk joi
Since agents had neither probable cause nor consent in this case, the search of Mz. Cooper and her vehicle were illegal. Additionally, its unlikely the stop itself was legal since conducting a lawful u-turn along a public highway does not constitute
Controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., is no stranger to hardball tactics, so he probably isn't fazed by being on the receiving end of rough politics. Still, that doesn't excuse the Obama administration's apparent ideological ven
The Nazi's organized a parade on the streets of downtown Phoenix marching from the Arizona capital towards downtown. The marchers looked like they were out numbered by police and counter demonstrators. They directed their anger and rhetoric at peop
Dr. Ron Paul comes to visit ASU in Tempe Arizona share with the students and r3volutionaries what Freedom and liberty are all about. Dr Paul's Plane was delayed so we had the opportunity to hear speeches from up an coming leaders like Adam Kokesh an
A day after County Attorney Thomas filed criminal charges against Judge Donahoe of Maricopa Co. Superior Court, alleging Donahoe committed bribery while hindering the prosecution of Supervisor Don Stapley and covering up an investigation into funding
A Mesa homeowners association has apologized to the family of an 88-year-old widow after it tried to eject her 37-year-old grandson from living with her as a caregiver.
Sunland Village is also paying Virginia Campbell $12,700 for legal bills and e
A judge recused herself from the case that sparked a contempt-of-court order for a detention officer who removed papers from a defense attorney's file. Judge Flores said the court can't rely on the Sheriff to get the man to court in time for his Dece
The Town of Buckeye needs a $250,000 armored vehicle like it needs another foreclosure sign -- but that's what it's getting thanks to federal largess. The US Homeland Security dept. gave a grant for the 8.5-ton Lenco Bearcat vehicle.
Maricopa Co. Supervisors Don Stapley and Mary Rose Wilcox were served with indictments accusing them of committing a long list of crimes. Stapley's indicted on 27 felony and misdemeanor accounts. Wilcox's charged with 36 felony counts related to loan
When Patagonia resident Iris Cooper, 18, turned her car around two miles before a Border Patrol checkpoint because she had forgotten her schoolbooks, she didn’t foresee being forced from her vehicle and handcuffed for a half an hour while agents wait
Mora is an American citizen and was accompanying his father, a legal resident, to his dad's work at H.M.I when two sheriff's SUVs cut them off before they arrived. Without explanation, the pair were zip-tied and brought onto H.M.I.'s property, where
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