Here Are The Hilarious Dodge Durango Commercials Starring Anchorman's Ron Burgundy
• Business InsiderChrysler will introduce a new spokesperson today, and, as the company is saying in its press releases, it's "kind of a big deal."
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Chrysler will introduce a new spokesperson today, and, as the company is saying in its press releases, it's "kind of a big deal."
Female pop music star Miley Cyrus hosted this season's second episode of "Saturday Night Live."
Could there be a higher octane fuel for the Fox News false outrage exploitation engine than wheelchair-bound World War II veterans?
Feds Spare No Expense to Close Popular Tourist Sites Determined to put a real “sting” into the shutdown of the federal government in the absence of Congressional passage of a continuing resolution, the federal government incurred the added expense
Large chunks of the National Weather Service--the group of scientists partially responsible for predicting extreme weather events, among many other important weather-related duties--are still working despite the government shutdown debacle.
The House of Blues in New Orleans became the House of Beards recently when it hosted the 2013 National Beard and Moustache Championships.
Need a laugh this weekend? These funny doggie videos got you covered.
Dems Assail GOP Opposition In an interview with CNN, Senior White House Adviser Dan Pfeiffer asserted that House Republicans are “worse than suicide bombers. The damage done by a suicide bomber is normally confined to a few dozen. Even in the case
People have been telling me that parts of this video are wrong. Since I'm a comedian and not an economist I'm sure they're right. Hopefully I'll get to record this routine again and make it more accurate.
In this Movie News Newsreel,TSA Administrator John SideArme announces the new TRAPR program for highway security checkpoints.
Noting the ceaseless onslaught of issues constantly nearing the eleventh hour, Americans across the country told reporters Tuesday they are sick and tired of all this looming stuff.
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart, like many of us, would rather see the United States move to a single-payer health care plan, as he briefly expressed during this segment.
A man with well-shined shoes shows he pays attention to the details. Here’s a video of how to do it (at least how I do it — share your methods in the comments!)
President Calls House Vote on Budget “Personal Attack on Me” The House of Representatives' Friday vote to fund everything in government except Obamacare was labeled a “personal attack on me” by President Obama. “I think this is the first time in t
Whole Foods is like Vegas. You go there to feel good but you leave broke, disoriented, and with the newfound knowledge that you have a vaginal disease.
This article includes a video examination of women's perception of women's breasts (boobies) as well as a look at boobs in the form of Ben Bernanke and the rest of the members of the Federal Reserve.
Dem Says Abortion Clinic Regs “Too Stringent” Virginia's Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe issued a campaign promise to exempt existing abortion clinics from state health and safety standards. The promise came amid concerns that i
Topple’s bravado is put to the test when his old-school spy game gets the green light.
On Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, Justin Timberlake and Fallon himself did a bit called "The Evolution of the Touchdown Dance," and it was pretty funny.
Liberate your trendy friends with this video:
If some comedian could pull off a fraud like this, imagine what a government could do.
Dems Say President Has Widespread Foreign Backing for Syria Strike Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz ,(D-Fla), chairman of the Democratic National Committee, told CNN host Wolf Blitzer that there are “dozens of countries” that will stand wit
Over the past several decades, a tumorous growth has emerged from and taken over the Republican Party. This cancer is called a neoconservative, or colloquially just simply neocon.
Are you fed up with Government and its interference in your life? Eager to do something about it? Lampoon The System is a political satire site...
Dems Make Case for Attacking Syria Undaunted by polls showing 80% of Americans opposed to an attack on Syria and undismayed by the UK Parliament's rejection of Prime Minister Cameron's request to join in a US bombardment of that country, key Democ
Dinosaurs Japan Hidden Camera 2
Zurich's new drive-in brothels opened earlier this week and they already raised a few eyebrows.
President Justifies Usurpations The rising tide of extralegal Presidential edicts bypassing Congress was justified by Obama himself in remarks during a CNN interview with Chris Cuomo. According to the President, “most Republicans tell me privat
EEOC Vows to Appeal Judge's Ruling This past week, U.S. District Court Judge Roger Titus dismissed the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's contention that the use of criminal background checks for prospective employees unfairly discriminates