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Article Image SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News

Administration Shrugs Off Negative Jobs Report The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the official unemployment rate remained above 8% for the 41st straight month. The picture for Black unemployment was even more discouraging bumping up in J

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LP Yahoo! Groups/LNC Discuss

There's been a lot of buzz in the LP about Wayne Allyn Root speaking in this Telethon - and his recent comments about Mitt Romney. I'm popping popcorn to watch this comedy... - Ed

Article Image SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News

President Initiates Plan to Boost Status of Illegal Aliens A year ago, President Barack Obama told his Hispanic supporters that he lacked the authority to grant amnesty to people in the country illegally. “There are laws on the books that prohibit

Article Image SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News

DOJ Orders Florida to Cease Voter Purge The Obama Administration's Department of Justice told Florida election officials that they must halt their efforts to purge non-citizens from the State's voter registration rolls. T. Christian Herren Jr.,

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the hals report

News of a zombie apocalypse is beginning to spread online and this writer is not surprised! I’m sure you’ve all heard the story about the naked man who was caught chewing on another mans face over the weekend in Miami? If you haven’t, it went somethi

News Link • Global Reported By The Real News
Article Image SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News

President Says World Is Entering New “Golden Age” President Barack Obama told Air Force Academy graduates that “the world is entering a new 'golden age' thanks to me. I have bridged the differences that set America apart from what were our adversa

Article Image SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News

Obama Gains Key Reelection Endorsements The Communist Party of the United States announced it is supporting Barack Obama's reelection bid. “It used to be that we had to run our own candidates for public office,” recounted Sam Webb, chairman of the

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The Onion

Hailing the dawn of a new era in long-distance highway travel, NASA officials unveiled the agency’s ambitious plans to put a man on a bus to Cleveland, OH by early 2013. The complex and dangerous 3-day mission, dubbed “Chariot I,” is expected to pass

Article Image SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News

Obama Autobiography Revealed to Be Mostly Fictitious President Obama's putative autobiography—Dreams from My Father—is apparently mostly “made up stuff.” Nonexistent characters and imaginary events comprise the bulk of the content. The only verifi

Article Image SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News

Obama Press Secretary Says GOP Is Politicizing Election President Obama's Press Secretary Jay Carney lashed out at the GOP for “politicizing the upcoming elections.” “They're trying to exploit so-called scandals and policy failures for political g